Here is the list of what he has waiting for him, now we just have to find the time to work on some this list:
- 7 Seas - Ballz Deep
- 7 Seas - British Ale
- 21st Amendment - Allies Win the War
- Alameda - Yellow Wolf Imperial IPA
- Alaskan - Perseverance Ale
- Alchemist / Ninkasi / Stone - More Brown Than Black IPA
- Anchor Brewing - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
- American Brewing Co - Breakaway IPA
- Avery - Maharja
- Beer Valley - Delta 9 IPA
- Boston Brewing - Infinium 2011
- Bruery - 4 Calling Birds
- Bruery / Dogfish Head - Faster, Bigger, Better, Bolder
- Bruery / Elysian / Stone - La Citrueille Celeste de Citracado
- Buffalo Bills - Blueberry Oatmeal Stout
- Deschutes Brewery - Jubelale
- Dogfish Head - 120 Minute IPA
- Dogfish Head - 120 Minute IPA
- Dogfish Head - Burton Baton
- Dogfish Head - Chateau Jiahu
- Dogfish Head - Faithful Ale
- Dogfish Head - Fort
- Dogfish Head - Immort Ale
- Dogifsh Head - Life and Limb
- Dogfish Head - My Antonia
- Dogfish Head - Namaste
- Dogfish Head - Noble Rot
- Dogfish Head - Pangea
- Dogfish Head - Pangea
- Dogfish Head - Palo Santo Marron
- Dogfish Head - Punkin Ale
- Dogfish Head - Punkin Ale
- Dofgish Head - Ta Henket
- Dogfish Head - Tweasonale
- Dogfish Head - Tweasonale
- Dogfish Head - World Wide Stout
- Driftwood Brewing - Singularity
- Elysian - Dark o’ the Moon
- Elysian - Idiot Sauvin
- Elysian - Idiot Sauvin
- Elysian - Night Owl
- Elysian - Nimbru (#1 of 12 Beers of the Apocalypse)
- Elysian - Rapture (#2 of 12 Beers of the Apocalypse)
- Firestone Walker Brewing - Firestone 15 Anniversary Ale
- Great Divide - Hibernation Ale
- Fremont - Interurban IPA
- Full Sail - Top Sail Imperial Porter
- Full Sail - Wreck the Halls
- Hair of the Dog - Blue Dot IPA
- Hair of the Dog - Blue Dot IPA
- Hopworks - IPA
- Iron Horse Brewery - Cozy Sweater
- Iron Horse Brewery - Cinco de Drinco
- Iron Horse Brewery - Double Rainbow
- Iron Horse Brewery - Malt Bomb
- Iron Horse Brewery - Mocha Death
- Iron Horse Brewry - Mocha Death
- Lagunitas - Cappuchino Stout
- Lagunitas - Holiday Ale
- Laruelwood - Stingy Jack
- Left Coast- Hop Juice
- Left Hand - Fade to Black (Volume 3)
- MacTarnahan’s Brewing Co. - Winter Humbug
- Maritime Pacific Brewing - Jolly Roger Christmas Ale
- Midnight Sun - Arctic Devil
- Midnight Sun - Treat
- New Belgium - Frambozen
- New Belgium - Lips of Faith Series - Kick
- New Belgium - Ranger
- Ninkasi - Imperiale Stout
- Ninkasi - ReNEWale Porter
- North Coast - Old Rasputin XIV
- Pelican Pub & Brewery - Bad Santa
- Pike Place - IPA
- Pike PLace - Kilt Lifter
- Ridgeway Brewing - Bad Elf
- Ridgeway Brewing - Lump of CoalFifteen
- Ridgeway Brewing - Pickled Santa
- Ridgeway Brewing - Santa’s Butt
- Ridgeway Brewing - Warm Welcome
- Rogue (Chatoe) - First Growth Pumpkin Patch Ale
- Russian River Brewing - Pliny the Elder
- Samuel Adams - Black Lager
- Samuel Adams - Cream Stout
- Samuel Adams - Holiday Porter
- Samuel Adams - Irish Red
- Samuel Adams - Mighty Oak Ale
- Samuel Adams - The Vixen
- Samuel Adams - Whitewater IPA
- Samuel Adams (Imperial Series) - Imperial White
- Samuel Adams (Imperial Series) - Wee Heavy
- Shipyard Brewing - Pumpkinhead
- Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot Ale
- Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot Ale
- Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot Ale
- Sierra Nevada - Celebration
- Skagit River Brewing - Sculler’s IPA
- Smaltz Brewing - Jewbelation Fifteen
- Southern Oregon Brewing - Nice Rack IPA
- Southern Tier - Chokolat Stout
- Southern Tier - Harvest
- Southern Tier - Pumking
- Southern Tier - Uneartly Imperial IPA
- Spoetzel Brewery - Holiday Cheer
- Stone - Vertical Epic (11-11-11)
- Two Beers - IPA
- Unita - Punk’n
- Unita Crooked Line - Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin