Sunday, March 25, 2012

Midnight Sun Treat TREAT

I know I read the label but I didn't realize it would be so dark...or a porter for that matter.  I was surprised when we opened the bottle!

Beer Advocate thinks this is exceptional.
Midnight Sun can give you the low down on this beer.

Uinta Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Beer Advocate thinks this is good.
Check out Uinta's site for more information.

Lips of Faith Kick

This beer is described as being pumpkin mixed with cranberry.  The cranberry was fairly prominent in this beer.  The pumpkin was a bit of an aftertaste.  Overall, it was good.

Beer Advocate thinks this is good.
Here's some facts from New Belgium about Kick.

Elysian Night Owl

This beer has a good pumpkin flavor. The aroma was not not as strong, but the flavor was quite good.  I'd definitely suggest getting one of these seasonal beers if you see one!

The Bros at Beer Advocate think this is exceptional.
Since it's out of season, why don't you just visit Elysian's site?

Laurelwood Stingy Jack

Stingy, just like the name says.  It definitely was not one my favorite of the pumpkin ales. 

See what Beer Advocate has to say.
Laurelwood doesn't really have info since it's out of season now.

Chatoe Rogue First Growth Pumpkin Patch

Good. Not too pumpkin tasting.  Held up well while I was aging it for the husband.  I'd drink it again.

Beer Advocate thinks this was good.
Rogue gives you some info about their beer here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tin Whistle Killer Bee Dark Honey Ale

Picture unavailable at this time...

This beer just happened to be on tap at Christie's Carriage House while we were visiting Victoria.  It was a lot darker than I thought this beer would be for a honey ale.  It was sweet, but quite drinkable.  A pint was just perfect, anymore and it would have ended up too sweet.

Beer Advocate thinks this is good.
I don't think Tin Whistle has a website :(

Crannog Back Hand of God

Picture unavailable at this time...

OMG this may have been one of my favorite beers in all of Canada.  We made a specific trip to a bar just to try this one.  I loved it!  It tasted somewhat similar to the Mocha Death from Iron Horse, but it was so delicious.  I wish this was more readily available where I live!!

Beer Advocate calls this one good.  I think they're underrating.
Here's what Crannog says!

Silver City Imperial Stout

The head on this beer was quite dark and it was really heavy.  It was really delicious and you could definitely feel the 9.2% ABV.  The beer was flavorful and compared to some of their other beers, particularly their porter, it had a million times more flavor.

Husband's review:  I was drinking their IPA.  See that hand in the background?  That's me.  It was ok.

Beer Advocate approves.
Here's what Silver City has to say about their beer.

Samuel Adams The Vixen

I didn't really drink this one.  I had a sip.  That was enough of that chili for me.  

Husband's review:  Not what I'd call a bock.  It was ok, but not something I'd hunt down again.

Beer Advocate says good.
Here's what Sam Adams says about their limited release.

Fremont Interurban IPA

After drinking some imperial IPAs it's not nearly as strong as I'd like, but it was quite tasty.  This is a local beer and that's always a plus.

Beer Advocate says good.
Check out Fremont's beer selections.

Avery Maharaja

Yum! Hoppy. Flavorful. I was quite surprised with how strong the flavor was. I would suggest this 100% if you like hoppy beers.  It's got 102 IBUs!  This is seasonal though, available December - March, so be sure to keep an eye out for in that part of the year!

Husband review:  I love this beer.  It's one of my favorites and I could drink it time and time again and never be disappointed.

Beer Advocate LOVES this beer.
Find out what Avery has to say about this beer!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Left Coast Hop Juice

First thing first, I can't drink Hop Juice without singing "Pimp Juice" in my head the entire time.  That being said, it's quite hoppy and delicious.  

Beer Advocate says good.
No link to Left Coast since their site is down tonight.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Port Townsend Peeping Peater Scotch Ale

Good. Very drinkable.  Not as malty as I would have liked though.

Beer Advocate says it's good too.
Get more info from Port Townsend Brewing.

Samuel Smith Winter Welcome Ale

Not my favorite. It was ok but just plain tasting. Meh.  Limited edition so you may have already missed it.

Beer Advocate likes it more than I did.
Samuel Smith's info on the beer is here.

Maritime Imperial Pale Ale


Beer Advocate says good.
Maritime Brewing has some more info.

Iron Horse Malt Bomb

I wasn't sure how I felt about malt.  After drinking this I could tell that I love it.  I have really enjoyed every beer I've drank from Iron Horse and this is another solid one.  

Beer Advocate could use more reviews!
Here's Iron Horse's info on the beer.

Left Hand Milk Stout

One of my favorite drinkable stouts. It's delicious and almost creamy. Yum! Delicious.

Beer Advocate gives it a good.
Check out Left Hand's site for more info.

Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye

It's not what I expected.  It's good.  I like it.  It was quite hoppy.  Turns out it's a seasonal so be sure to check it out this spring while you can!

Beer Advocate likes it.
Here's what Sierra Nevada has to say.

Moylan's Dragoons Dry Irish Stout

Overall this was a pretty drinkable beer.  I kind of think it tasted like root beer a bit.  

Beer Advocate gives it a good.
Check out Moylan's site for more info on this beer.

Diamond Knot Whip Ale

This beer must be called whip because it looks like whipped cream on the top of my beer.  That head was impressive and took forever to go down. Random fact - this is the first beer husband poured himself in 7+ months.  I poured all the earlier ones.  

My big tip for enjoying this beer is don't inhale while you're drinking.  As a matter of fact, don't even think of smelling this beer.  It smells like a wet and dirty bar rag.  I was enjoying it much better before I started drinking and smelling at the same time.  Had I kept drinking without smelling I would have been fine.  I don't think I'll be drinking this one again

The folks at Beer Advocate think this one is good.
You can check out Diamond Knot's site for more info on the beer.