Saturday, June 30, 2012

Maui Brewing Sobrehumano Palena’ole

Quite flowery tasting and some interesting flavors.  I liked it but I wouldn't have been sad if I didn't get to try it.  It was a bit pricey ($3 for the can), so I don't know if I'd drink it more often.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Great Divide Belgian Style Yeti Imperial Stout

It's ok, but not nearly as good as the other Yetis.  Maybe it was just the style, but it definitely was not my favorite from Great Divide.  It was smooth and not harsh for an imperial stout, but seemed lacking in something.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Red Horse

The Navy rumors are that this beer has formaldehyde and will make you forget where you are and sick. Really though this beer is ok. For a lager it's not so terrible. Much better than some of the other Asian beers I've had.  Not something I'd hunt out, but would drink if I were in the Philippines.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Taj Mahal

Poured with almost no head and them disappeared. Notice the s'mores in background. It was ok. I could drink it, but I definitely wouldn't let it get warm.  It was good for what it was, but definitely not a choice beer.

See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Samuel Smith Taddy Porter

Meh.  There were a lot of licorice notes in this porter which is not my style at all.  Not a favorite.  Don't think I'll be getting this one again.  Turns out the rest of the world loves it (or so it seems).  Maybe you should try it and tell me if I'm wrong.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Saranac Kolsch

This beer was a Kolsch I guess.  It was nothing special and a style I generally don't like, but it worked well to quench a thirst at a BBQ on a humid Father's Day Sunday.  Definitely not one I'd pick up again.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

PUB REVIEW: Brown's Brewing

My sister-in-law had her rehearsal dinner at Brown's Brewing, also known as Troy Pub & Brewery, in Troy, NY.  The venue was pretty awesome and we were in a private area, so it's a bit hard to comment on the actual restaurant/pub area.  Toward the end of the evening we wandered out back onto the patio and I was surprised - it was packed (given it was a Friday night), but after being so secluded I didn't realize.  

The staff was extremely friendly and get major props for making my step-daughter a grilled cheese sandwich during a buffet style dinner since she didn't like anything at all that was served.  I, however, loved the food.  They had a chicken dish that was great.  The bartender was quick and ready to help people pick out beers they'd like if they weren't sure.  

While there, I tried three of their beers.  The first was the IPA.  It was good, but not nearly as hoppy as beers I'm used to in the PNW.  The brown was pretty good too, but somewhat unremarkable, but then again I'm not a big brown fan.  Lastly, was their whiskey porter.  It was boozy and delicious.  I was floored with how good it was and would definitely come back here for that beer.  

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See some info about their beers Rate Beer.

Shock Top Wheat IPA

My mother-in-law asked my hubby what kind of beer he'd like when he cme to visit. He said an IPA. This is what she bought. Though it's from InBev and a Shock Top it's not awful. It's drinkable and lacks the bitter,  watery pee taste of most InBev beers. It wasn't really hoppy at all, but it was drinkable.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Middle Ages Dinosaur Smoked Porter

As I said in the previous post, brewed by Middle Ages for Dinosaur BBQ.  We had this at the location in Troy, NY.  The beer was ok, but not as smoky I would have expected for being a "smoked porter."  It was chocolately, but really this was not the best porter I've ever had.  I'd drink it again, but wouldn't come here just for the beer.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
I couldn't find this one on Rate Beer.

Middle Ages Ape Hanger

We had this on tap at Dinosaur BBQ in Troy, NY.  My understanding is that Middle Ages brews for Dinosaur and you can only get these beers at the restauarnts.  This beer was represented of having some apricot in it.  It had a bit of that flavor, but overall it was really too light for us.  It seemed more like a pilsner more than anything else and really was just generic tasting.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Lindemans Kreik

Holy cherries and red beer. This really tasted more like a wine cooler than beer. Very sweet and not sour at all.  It was almost flavored like it was candy.  

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Lindemans Framboise

This beer was pretty good. It was a bit more tart than the other lambic we tried (see Kriek). It would be perfect with Thanksgiving dinner and for some reason I can picture a bunch of old ladies drinking this playing cribbage. With a low ABV and a taste more of fruit juice you may as well serve it up to grandma on a regular basis.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rogue Double Mocha Porter

I love the painted blue bottle.  It was chocolaty and delicious.  However, even for how dark it is, it wasn't too heavy.  YUUUMMMMM....

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Cold Spring Honey Almond Weiss

Kind of like a Budweiser but without the terrible flavor. I don't get honey taste at all. I can slightly taste the almond. At $3.50 for this giant can I'm not going to complain. If I was going to a summer BBQ and was providing lots of beers this may be in the running. But it's definitely not something I'd pick up on a regular basis.

Looks like the brewery's site is all messed up.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Unibroue Blanche de Chambly

White wine feel.  The brewery references being like champagne.  They also tell me there are flavors of orange and lemon, but personally I tasted green apples.  It was light and fruity.  Yummy.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Fremont Homefront IPA

This beer is a-ok.  It has a woody flavor, but it's not overpowering.  It's perfect for summer and goes to a good cause.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Broughton Ales Kinmont Willie Stout

Ok and a bit sweet.  This is apparently called Scottish Oatmeal Stout in the UK.  The beer was good, but not nearly as good as my real life Willie.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Lagunitas Lucky 13.alt

This beer was hoppy and a bit like a sweet version of an IPA.  It tasted somewhat similar to their own IPA actually.  It was yummy and I'd drink it again.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Elysian Prometheus Stole Fire IPA

This beer had an interesting head.  The hops are maybe weaker or the same as the Loser Pale.  The flavors were citrusy and sweet.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Elysian Loser Pale Ale

Who'd think it was a pale ale?  Not me!  This was quite hoppy and delicious.  This beer is definitely NOT a loser. 

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Dogfish Head URKontinent

Ok.  This has a similar theory to Pangaea but not carried out as well.  It was not as heavy as you'd think looking at the color.  Dogfish Head's site mentions coffee and chocolate covered cherry notes - I didn't get either.  I had seen lots of people loving this but it just didn't quite do it for me.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Dogfish Head World Wide Stout

Holy boozy.  This has a super high ABV and you can taste it.  I really think I should start aging these instead of drinking fresh so the flavors have a bit of a chance to mellow out.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Avery New World Porter

Ok and easy to drink. Would buy a 6 pack for a chill night.  Not something I'd be hunting to find.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Southern Tier Mokah

Sssoooo delicious. Chocolate coats your mouth but you get hints of coffee. You can smell the chocolate. I looove this.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Marina Market has been one of my biggest surprises in my beer hunting experiences.  They're located in Poulsbo, Washington and look more like a mini mart than anything else from the outside.  You can find their exact location and hours on their website.  As a bonus, they will ship beer from their site.

The husband and I found this place looking for some soda while up in Poulsbo.  We both knew they had beer but had never really thought about what they had. Turns out it's an amazing selection and their prices are pretty reasonable.  You will find everything from local beers to things you'd never expect to stumble upon.  I definitely suggest popping in if you're visiting breweries up in Poulsbo, or going to any of the cool events up there like Viking Fest! 


99 Bottles is located in Federal Way, WA.  Check out their website for more info on location and hours.

So this is my go to beer store.  I work less than 2 miles from this bottle shop.  It is also conveniently in the same shopping complex as my bank.  Thus, paydays usually equal me depositing a check and then going to buy beer.  My belly likes that, but not always my bank account.

The store is well organized and has different coolers for different countries in the back.  The center area is usually what you're looking for.  Their staff is knowledgeable and helpful.  They have 8 rotating growler taps that you can have filled.  They have a decent wall of glassware for sale.

They have a card that for every 99 bottles you buy you get an award.  You start at T-shirts and then work your way up.  Overall, it's a great bottle shop.  

Southern Tier Jah-va Imperial Coffee Stout

This was not what I expected.  I anticipated the coffee flavor to be much stronger than it was.  There was something a bit off about this.  Maybe an off batch or bad bottle?

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Southern Tier 2x Stout

This beer was 2x as good as others and twice as good as I expected.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Left Hand SmokeJumper

This is soooooooo smokey, but in such a good way.  It's like every flavor I want in a BBQ but in a beer.  YUM!  I wish it was cheaper and more readily available so I could use it to cook with - it makes me want to go out and get liquid smoke for the next time I cook.

It's good for a glass, but a whole 22 oz bottle alone would be way too much.  This beer is a great example of when you should share and how sharing can be caring.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Moa Imperial Stout

The pinot flavors make this interesting for sure and adds a whole different level of complexity.  It was good and a bit woody as well.  I liked the cork and bonus points for being from New Zealand - a place I don't usually get beers from.  

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Belhaven Wee Heavy

Lighter than I thought it would be. I think it has a bit of a sour taste to it.

The hubby says this one is the one he judges all wee heavys against.  I guess we have differing points of view.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Belhaven Scottish Ale

Clear glass? This smells like skunky road kill. The scent was way too much to handle.  We actually ended up pouring it down the drain about halfway through the bottles.

Maybe it would be better if it wasn't all skunk...shame it was terrible.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Alba Scots Pine Ale

Sweet with interesting flavors. Lots of berry flavors at first before it gets more mild.  It was was so confusing trying to figure out the flavors.  Pick one up and then tell me what YOU think it tasted like.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Fraoch Heather Ale

I think it's a bit lackluster. When I burped it tasted more like heather than when I was drinking it.

The hubby thinks it has a character but can't place it exactly.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Black Diamond Peak XV

OMG this smells like bourbon barrels it was aged in. Taking a whiff you'd think you were drinking the bourbon straight. The first sip has a pretty strong flavor but it quickly milds out and it has a strong dark chocolate flavor to it. It's delightful and one of the most complex porters I've drank in a while.  Two thumbs up!

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

BEER STORE REVIEW: Full Throttle Bottles

So Full Throttle Bottles is the first bottle shop I ever really shopped at.  It is located in Georgetown in Seattle, WA.  They sell beer, wine, and ciders.  Cider is a big focus here and the wine selection takes up an entire wall.

Erica, the owner, is a great lady and has worked really hard to make this place what it is.  She is great about keeping Facebook updated and sending emails out with their new beers.  For popular beers, they have a system in place (think Pliny the Elder) about how to get it available to the most people.

They have a "stamp card" program where after you spend $100 you get 11% off your next purchase.  The program has the option of an actual card you keep or they keep a running total in the computer. Bonus points go to keep a record of beers you buy so that they can help you find things you have or have not liked in the past. 

Check out their website for hours and more info.

PUB REVIEW: Christie's Carriage House

Christie's Carriage House is located in Victoria, BC.  It is a bit out of the downtown city area and the hubby and I took a cab when we ventured out there.
We sat in the back at the bar.  The staff was ok and pretty friendly.  When my husband mentioned making a beer float the bartender was all ready to try it.  He enjoyed it and chatted for a while with us.

We had eaten earlier so we stuck to happy hour menu items. We had onion rings and wings.  They were both pretty good and plentiful for the price.  

The only bad thing about this place may have been the fact that the bathrooms were hidden upstairs.  Talk about a pain in the butt when you are drinking lots and have to pee!

Check out Christie's Carriage House website for more info and what's on tap.


Slippery Pig is a brewery located in Poulsbo, Washington.  If you're looking to go here, put the address in your GPS and follow it.  Don't be afraid that you are driving through woods on a dirt road.  You are headed in the right direction.  

This brewery is on a real, working farm.  The owner's family has owned the land for a while and he lives in the farmhouse here with his wife.  You will find dogs and occasionally a chicken wandering around the property.  As a result, parking is limited and the bathroom is a port-a-potty in the parking lot.  You can also expect to sit outside, rain or shine, and enjoy your brew with other locals.

A lot of their brews are made with things source off their farm.  It's pretty cool and as a result they do a lot of interesting beers (lemongrass, kale, rhubarb).  You can even buy farm fresh eggs here, probably laid by a chicken walking around your ankles.  Food items are limited to nuts and chips and salsa, but in the summer they make a BBQ available if you want to bring your meat.

The owner, who wears a kilt, is usually found behind the bar or working somewhere nearby.  The staff is knowledgeable and friendly.  The place is family friendly and they usually have one of their own sodas on tap as well.  

If you're in the area, this is definitely a brewery to check out.  They don't bottle and distribute limited in kegs so you won't find their beer many other places than at the brewery itself.  They do have growler fills available for most of their beers and occasionally a guest tap with another local beer.

Check out the beers I've reviewed by them by clicking here.

You can check out Slippery Pig's website but they are limited in their info.  You can also find them on facebook.

Bloody Canadian drinks!

So here in the US we have a bloody Mary drink which is pretty much a staple at most places serving brunch and booze.  The Canadians have their own versions that are much more popular.

First they like their Cesars.  This is what you'll see way more often than Mary's.  The base alcohol in this one is vodka, but it is filled with Clamato.  Clamato is tomato and clam broth together.  They are surprisingly not too fishy and you'll find celery salt around the rim instead of regular salt.

The bloody Maria is pretty much our version of a bloody Mary just with tequila instead of vodka.  These seemed pretty common too.  Though I know of several places in the US who offer different varieties of booze in those as well.  These seem to frequently have clam juice in them as well in Canada.

And if you're looking to be totally American, try yourself a red beer.  That's a cheap, usually pale (think PBR, Coors) and tomato juice mixed.  

Bison Organic Chocolate Stout

The chocolate isn't so pronounced as I would think. It's a good stout though.  I tend to think the organic beers are a bit lackluster for some reason.  Maybe I just need that heavily processed feeling in my life.

The husband said he tasted more coffee than chocolate. 

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Avery Ellie's Brown Ale

This is a pretty drinkable brown.  It's somewhat light and neither the hubby or I enjoy this style much so it's always kind of  unimpressive.  Nothing to complain about, but nothing to remark about.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Bear Republic, Fat Head's, and Stone TBA

TBA = Texas Brown Ale, just in case you wanted to know. 

This was hoppier than I thought it would be.  It was drinkable and delicious, but lighter than I thought it would be.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Samuel Adams Cream Stout

This is ok, but unimpressive.  That seems to be the theme of the Sam Adams beers I've had lately.  I'd rather have a nice local cream stout than this one.  I'd settle if this was the only stout available.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Elysian Men's Room Red

This was somewhat hoppy.  It's pretty good for a red and easy to drink.  Found a lot locally so something I take for granted and am sure I'll be sad to not have easy access to in the future.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Elysian Dragonstooth Stout

This is one of my go to stouts in WA since it's readily available.  I actually picked this one up at the local gas station.  It pours a dark head and has a nice underlying chocolate and burnt flavor to it.  This one will be a beer I miss quite a bit when we move!

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Russian River Damnation

This beer was yummy to me, but was not the husbands style.  I think it tasted a bit better as it warmed up.  It was a bit yeasty though.

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.

Allagash Grand Cru

This beer is almost syupy but without too much sugar.  It was quite heavy feeling while drinking.  Due to it's age (batch #20 seemed to be the last one brewed), it was amazingly smooth.  We think the flavors probably mellowed and blended well with age.

Sadly for you, this beer is no longer made.  It was last brewed in 2008, so you should pick one up if you see it!

Check out the brewery's site for more info.
See if it's distributed near you and what others think at Rate Beer.